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Confessing the Ineffable: Who is God?

Instructor: Rob Wendland

Jesus is the Light of the World! The earliest Christians (ca. 100–451 A.D.) strove to be faithful witnesses to this through the most diverse circumstances. Join us as we examine their record! We will consider topics such as the formation of the New Testament canon, the fixation of the ancient creeds, the nature of confessing the Christian faith in a hostile world, and how one is able to properly confess the nature of our Savior God.

Participants will be asked to focus on a Church Father with whom to become more familiar and make a presentation upon to the class. For final credit, each learner can either write a summative paper or develop a 4 to 6 lesson Bible study for use in their congregation.

This course, formerly taught under the title of "History of Doctrine I," is a survey of Patristic Christian church history. It serves as one of the three core curriculum courses for an STM in the Church History focus area.

Area of Study: Church History
Tuition: $800
Course Number: CH5056
Course Credits 2.0
Dates Term Location