Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – September 7, 2021

Date: 09-07-2021

Scripture Lesson:Mark 7:31–37

Preacher: Prof. Aaron Christie

Description: Tuesday, September 7 Reading Mark 7:31–37 Jesus demonstrates his loving care for us as individuals, both in soul and body. This is seen in his encounter with the deaf-mute in this week’s Gospel. Everything Jesus did, he did from a motivation of pure compassion for a man with profound spiritual and physical needs. Note how he deals with the man: He took the deaf-mute aside before healing him and showed attention only to him. He looked to heaven, showing the source of his divine power. He sighed the deep sigh of compassion, showing empathy for the man’s life filled with frustration. It is this same loving care for this man’s physical health that led Jesus to bring spiritual health to the entire fallen human race. Surely, Jesus has everything well! Speaker Prof. P. Wendland Hymns CW 93 - 520:1–2 CW 93 - 520:3 Musician N. Plocher Prayer/Day O God, you reveal your mighty power chiefly in showing mercy and kindness. Grant us the full measure of your grace that we may obtain your promises and become partakers of your heavenly glory; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.