BTh Level 3 – Seminary Curriculum I
BTh Level 3 – Seminary Curriculum I Learning Plan
Biblical Theology
BT-BTh301 Romans
- Syllabus Exegesis of Romans 1 to 8
- ALS Romans Course Content and Schedule Sorum
- ALS Romans course simplified Student Sorum
- ALS Romans course simplified Teacher Sorum
BT-BTh 302 Galatians
BT-BTh 303 Revelation
- Lesson 39 – 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
- Revelation Our Final Victory Is Secure Teacher
- Becker Outline to Memorize Revelation
- Isag quiz for Revelation
Historical Theology
CH301 Luther’s Life, Writings, and the Reformation
- Syllabus Life of Luther
- Syllabus Luther Writings and the Reformation
- 1 Luther Early Life by J Korthals
- 2 Luther Monk and Teacher JK
- 3 95 Theses JK
- 4 Luther Difficult Years
- 5 The Lutheran Church Established
- 6 Luther Family and Final Years
- 95 Theses
- Background on Luther Writings
- BK Against the Heavenly Prophets
- BK Against the Primacy of the Pope
- BK German Nobility
- BK The Babylonian Captivity
- BK The Bondage of the Will
- BK The Freedom of the Christian
- John Huss
- Luther history
- Major points
- Outline for Luther Writings and Reformation Era by J Korthals
- Papal Authority
- History of Reformation D31 Wombat debate
- History of Reformation Writings Main Course Content D31
- Outline for Luther Writings and Reformation Era by J Korthals
- History of Reformation Writings D31 8 Sermons cards
- History of Reformation Writings D31 Day 2 review cards
- History of Reformation Writngs D31 Hauptschriften 1
- History of Reformation Writings D31 Hauptschriften 2
- History of Reformation Writings D31 Hauptschriften 3
- History of Reformation Writings D31 Hauptschriften cards
- History of Reformation Writings D31 Hauptschriften cards answer key
- History of Reformation Writings D31 PowerPoint 2 schools of medieval thought
- Popes during the time of the Reformation
- The Three Symbols or Creeds of the Christian Faith – LW 34_199-207_228-229
- Reformation Final paper, student
- Reformation Final paper, prof
CH302 Smalcald Articles
- Syllabus Smallcald Articles
Systematic Theology
ST301 Christian Doctrine – Theology, Anthropology, and Christology
- Syllabus Doctrine Theology Anthropology Christology
- Christian Doctrine Theo Anthro Christology
ST302 Law and Gospel (advanced)
- Syllabus Law and Gospel, Advanced
- Law and Gospel Advanced
- Law and Gospel by Bounkeo Lor
- Student Law Gospel by Lindner
- Law Gospel Advanced Instructor by Lindner
- Law Gospel Main Course Content D21 [1]
- Advanced Law and Gospel Student’s Notes by Dan Lindner
- Advanced Law and Gospel Instructor’s Notes by Dan Lindner
- D21 law & gospel def
- Law Gospel D21 Lesson 2 cards
- Law Gospel D21 lesson 2 scenarios
- Law Gospel CCTI_D21_PowerPoint_3[1]
- Law Gospel D21 PowerPoint 1
- Law Gospel D21 PowerPoint 2
- Law Gospel D21 PowerPoint 3
- Law Gospel D21 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
- Law Gospel D21 wksht 1
- Law Gospel D21 wksht 2
- Law Gospel D21 wksht 3
- Law Gospel D21 wksht 4
- Law Gospel D21 wksht 5
Practical Theology
PT301 Conducting Worship/Church Year/Special Services
- Syllabus Conducting Worship Church Year
- 05 – Congregational Worship Evaluation Tiefel
- 08 – The Objective of Public Worship Tiefel
- 09 – Ritual and Art in Christian Worship
- 10 – Where Are We Going in the WELS Tiefel
- 15 – Treasures Old and New Tiefel
- 19 Middle Range Planning
- Fundamentals of Christian Worship Main Course Content D44
- Planning Christian Worship – Year A – Advent
- Planning Christian Worship – Year B Festival Half
- Planning Christian Worship – Year B Non-festival Half
- Planning Christian Worship – Year C Festival Half
- Planning Christian Worship – Year C Non-Festival Half
PT302 Sermon Writing
- Syllabus Sermon Writing 1
- Sermon Writing intro
- Inductive Introductions
- The Components of Preaching
- Preaching Bible Texts in a Lutheran Way – Sorum
- Preaching in the Context of the Liturgy
- 07 – Structure Review – Nehemiah 8 Tiefel
- How To Write a Sermon Jason Ewart
- Communicating in Sermons Webinar Mike Novotny
PT303 Advanced Christian Counseling
- Syllabus Pastoral Counseling
- Pastoral Counseling John Schuetze
- Counseling Case Studies John Schuetze