The Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS is an index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion, plus full-text content for many resources. This database is accessible only to enrolled students and to alumni.
Search any or all of 48 databases available through EBSCOhost.
Explore the online archive of the Biblical Archaeology Society, including back issues of Biblical Archaeology Review.
BadgerLink is Wisconsin’s Online Library, providing Wisconsin residents with licensed content not available through regular search engines. These databases are accessible only from within Wisconsin.
The library has online-only subscriptions to the following journals. Some may appear the Atla database, but with recent issues available only by subscription.
Biblical Interpretation
Bulletin of ASOR
Catholic Historical Review
Current History
Hebrew Studies
International Review of Mission
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Novum Testamentum
New Testament Studies
Old Testament Abstracts
Sixteenth Century Journal
Tel Aviv
Vetus Testamentum
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft