Upon completion of level two of the PSI program, the student will know the theology and practice of spiritual leadership, doctrine and use of Law and Gospel (advanced), the chief articles of the Lutheran faith and their historical background, the theological and historical practice of worship, the Psalms, Old Testament Wisdom Literature, and the Epistles. The student will be able to lead worship, teach a Bible class under supervision (including assisting in teaching portions of a BIC), take responsibility for a component of congregational ministry, work in a team, prepare a sermon message under the guidance of his mentor pastor. The student’s attitude and character will be such that he embraces the notion of being a full-time called worker as a spiritual leader in the church, is eager to confess and share the faith, is eager to function in a team ministry and equip others within his church for ministry.
These objectives will be attained through the completion of the following courses:
BT-NT201: Epistles
CH201: Ecumenical Creeds
ST201: Advanced Law and Gospel
PT201: Christian Worship
BT-OT201: Psalms
CH202: Smalcald articles
ST202: Doctrine of the Ministry of the Church
PT202: Evangelism II
BT-OT202: Wisdom Literature
PT203: Write a sermon
PT204: Evangelical Spiritual Leadership