The Best Years
Presenters: Rick & Cyndi Loewen
Whether or not God blessed our homes with children, many of us live in households that are back to the way it was when we got married: a household of two. How can we adjust well to those changes? How can we find in those realities opportunities to grow and mature in our relationship as couples?
Come join us for a celebration of this wonderful stage in life where we are able to focus on our relationship with our Lord and our spouse. We are finding this stage of life to be unique and exciting. We will explore practical ways to enjoy children and grandchildren as we grow deeper in our love for each other. We will also look at the reality of what it really takes to have a strong marriage and personal joy at a time when many people are struggling to do both.
Rick Loewen is director of Crosstrain Ministries. This ministry works with pastors and their wives to grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Rick has an educational background in Family Life Education, Dependency Counseling, Criminal Justice, Staff Ministry, and is a Certified Life Coach.
Cyndi Loewen is a special education teacher. Cyndi is a graduate of MLC and also has Masters Degree. They have been married for 38 years, have three daughters, and seven grandchildren.