Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – February 5, 2021

Date: 02-05-2021

Scripture Lesson:Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Preacher: Adam Kock

Description: Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 When the Israelites, as we do, heard the law of God, they were terrified and thought they were going to die. The Lord provided Moses for them, to shield them from his glory. And the Lord promised an even greater prophet than Moses, who would lead the people with the Word of God and with authority. The people had to look for him earnestly, because for those that don’t recognize him, the penalty is death! God no longer demands that we put to death those who don’t believe in him, but their penalty is still spiritual death. The promised Prophet saves those who believe in him from death. He brings freedom and forgiveness to those who are helpless on their own. Speaker: Adam Kock Psalm: WELS Hymnal Project – Psalm # 29 Hymn: CW556 - “Rise, Shine you People”