Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – January 21, 2021

Date: 01-21-2021

Scripture Lesson:1 Samuel 3:1-10

Preacher: Race Kohl

Description: Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 The call of God to Samuel initially required no work on Samuel’s part. But like the call in the gospel lesson, it implies a following that is not going to be easy. If Nathanael and the other disciples will follow Jesus who seems like nothing to reason and to the eyes, they will all need to listen carefully to that Word. Otherwise, the difficulties to come will overcome them. Thus, Samuel says: Speak, for your servant is listening! That remains the first and most important part of following. How many when confronted by difficulty in the Word or in life would rather say, Listen Lord, for your servant is speaking? But this is one of the amazing things in Jesus’ call to us: It creates a willingness to say: I don’t know what is coming and what you will require of me; but whatever it is, I want to listen to you and to follow you! Speaker: Race Kohl Hymns: CW 283 - “Speak, O Savior; I Am Listening” Verses 1-2 CW 283 - “Speak, O Savior; I Am Listening” Verses 3-4