Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – January 28, 2021

Date: 01-28-2021

Scripture Lesson:Jonah 3:1-5, 10

Preacher: Caleb Koelpin

Description: Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 In our Gospel, we saw Jesus calling unlikely candidates to be his “fishers of men.” This reading from Jonah takes that to the extreme. To his rebellious prophet, who ran as far as he could from the mission to which he had been called, God’s Word came “a second time.” And his message was the same: “Go to… Nineveh… proclaim.” As Jonah didn’t deserve the opportunity, the people of Nineveh didn’t deserve God’s message of mercy. But God worked through his Word in his messenger’s mouth. The Ninevites “believed.” Here the same word used to describe Abraham’s faith is used. And God confirms their faith by changing his course of action. Consider how powerful the Word of God’s call is. It made Jonah his ambassador. It put the entire rebellious city of Nineveh in sackcloth and ashes. It has made us his own. Speaker: Caleb Koelpin Hymns: WHP 907 – “How Shall They Hear,” Who Have Not Heard” v. 1-3 WHP 907 – “How Shall They Hear, Who Have Not Heard” v. 4-5