Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – February 10, 2021

Date: 02-10-2021

Scripture Lesson:1 Peter 5:6-11

Preacher: Josiah Eaker

Description: Reading: 1 Peter 5:6-11 With his life and death, Jesus did reverse the effects of the devil on this world, especially our souls.  However, he continues to “prowl around” looking for any chance he can get to pull people away from God.  He will use anything to accomplish this from temptation to suffering.  Yet, God’s people have nothing to fear because the God who calls us continues to strengthen and restore us. Speaker: Josiah Eaker Hymns: CW 431 v1-3 “I Walk in Danger All the Way” CW 431 v4-6 “I Walk in Danger All the Way” Pianist: Prof. Geiger