Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – March 23, 2021

Date: 03-23-2021

Scripture Lesson:Isaiah 43:1-7

Preacher: R. Gottschalk

Description: Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7 How does God draw his people to himself?  He reminds them what he did for them.  He redeemed them, he summoned them, he made them his.  He will protect and be with them.  With a word, God will gather his people together.  God does the same today.  He draws us to himself through his Son.  He reminds us what his Son suffered for us to redeem us.  Also, he summoned us through his Word and he made us his through baptism.  Through Christ’s work, he has gathered us out of the nations to draw us into him. Speaker: R. Gottschalk Hymns: CW 170 v1-3 – Draw Us to Thee CW 170 v4-6 – Draw Us to Thee