Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – April 27, 2021

Date: 04-27-2021

Scripture Lesson:Acts 20:28-32

Preacher: Josh Frailing

Description: Reading: Acts 20:28-32 In his address to the Ephesian elders, Paul emphasizes the tremendous responsibilities that these elders have. They are under-shepherds of the Good Shepherd and are charged with shepherding God’s church. This work is so important because the flock is so precious to the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd, God himself, treasures this flock so much that he willingly purchased it with his own blood! The task God had given these elders, to guard themselves and the flock God had entrusted to their care, was a task that they would not be able to do if they only relied on their own strength. So, Paul entrusted them to the One who cared for his flock more than anyone else could, the One whose Word would be able to build them up and keep them close to Him. Built up by Jesus’ Word of grace, they would be able to carry out their God-given task of shepherding the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. Speaker: Josh Frailing Hymns: CW 536 – “Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s Head” v. 1-2 CW 536 – “Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s Head” v. 3-4