Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – May 10, 2021

Date: 05-10-2021

Scripture Lesson:John 15:9-17

Preacher: Prof. D. Bivens

Description: Reading: John 15:9-17 The Feast of the Ascension is right around the corner. With Christ’s visible presence removed, how will the world see him? It should see him when it sees us. That we would strive to reflect in our lives the love of Christ and his obedience to his Father for us is not optional for the Christian. The branches bear corresponding fruit. To spur us on Jesus gives us a new title; he calls us his friends, those with whom he has shared the heart and mind of God! Friends share common interests. They have certain equality even. Their goals are similar or the same. That Jesus has been our friend has no greater proof than in what he did for us on the cross. Now we get to look like his friends by the way we are with one another. Love each other! Speaker: Prof. D. Bivens Hymns: CW 377 v1-5 – “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice” CW 377 v6-10 – “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice” Prayer/Day: Hear our prayers, Lord Jesus Christ, and come with the good news of your mighty deliverance. Drive the darkness from our hearts and fill us with your light; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.