Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – May 13, 2021

Date: 05-13-2021

Scripture Lesson:Acts 1:1-11

Preacher: Lucas Callies

Description: Reading: Acts 1:1-11 We will see him again and go to be where he is. That’s how much he loves us! One might have expected that he would go and be happy to get rid of us (as well as our silly/irrelevant questions). But no, it’s just the opposite: He goes so that he can be with us always; he goes so that he comes again and takes us to share in his glory! When will he come and restore the kingdom? When the time is best! We are happy to leave it to him and to be busy with the work he has given us to do while we wait. What a great feast day, one of the best of the whole year! Speaker: Lucas Callies Hymns: CW 171 v1-3 – “A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing” CW 171 v4-6 – “A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing” Prayer/Day: Lord Jesus, King of glory, on this day you ascended far above the heavens and at God’s right hand you rule the nations. Leave us not alone, we pray, but grant us the Spirit of truth that at your command and by your power we may be your witnesses in all the world; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.