Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – September 23, 2020

Date: 09-23-2020

Scripture Lesson:Matthew 20:1-16

Preacher: Prof. Pagels

Description: Reading           Matthew 20:1-16 The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard exposes our ungrateful attitude towards God’s undeserved love for us and others.  We scream, “Unfair!” when we compare ourselves to those we are called to serve, but we easily forget that God is not fair with us either. We all receive equal, full, and free forgiveness from God. Speaker           Prof. Pagels Prayer/Day      Lord God, you call us to work in your kingdom and leave no one standing idle. Help us to order our lives by your wisdom and to serve you in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.   Hymns             CW 390:1-4 – “Salvation Unto Us Has Come” CW 390:5-6 Organist          Prof. Christie