Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – October 22, 2020

Date: 10-22-2020

Scripture Lesson:Daniel 1:3-21

Preacher: Z. Semmann

Description: Reading: Daniel 1:3-21  In a focus on the two kingdoms, it is shocking the reading from Daniel is not Daniel in the lion’s den, or even Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. But here, Daniel demonstrates powerfully how he was truly a citizen of two kingdoms. His first allegiance was to God, but when his conscience didn’t allow him to eat the unclean food, he didn’t use his citizenship in God’s kingdom as an excuse to rebel. Instead, he respectfully attempted to resolve the issue by asking his official for permission not to defile himself in that way. God blessed Daniel’s request and worked through natural means to help Daniel and keep him safe.  Speaker: ZSemmann  Hymns WHP 777:1-4 -  As Morning Dawns, Dear Savior  WHP 777:5-6 -  As Morning Dawns, Dear Savior  Pianist: R. Henning