Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – November 3, 2020

Date: 11-03-2020

Scripture Lesson:Matthew 23:1-12

Preacher: J. Ungemach

Description: Reading: Matthew 23:1-12  The Pharisees and teachers of the law did not lead as God wanted. Instead, they sought to exalt themselves every chance they could at the expense of others.  The result of their exalting: God will humble them.  So, instead, Jesus teaches the crowd and his disciples how they should lead, by humbling themselves and serving others.  How impossible is this for sinful hearts?  Our hearts would rather exalt themselves and lead for their own benefit, than be humble for the sake of others.  So, Christ not only teaches how a servant leads for others, but also shows us– by dying for all sin, including the sin of our selfish hearts.       Speaker: J. Ungemach  Hymns: CW205:1-3 - “O Lord, Look Down from Heaven”  CW205:4 O Lord, Look Down from Heaven  Prayer/Day: Merciful and gracious Lord, You cause your word to be proclaimed in every generation. Stir up our hearts and minds by your Holy Spirit that we may receive this proclamation with humility and finally be exalted at the coming of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Organist: Prof. Tackmier