Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – November 30, 2020

Date: 11-30-2020

Scripture Lesson:Mark 11:1-10

Preacher: Prof. Degner

Description: Reading: Mark 11:1-10 Jesus’ own preparations to enter Jerusalem provide us with tantalizing clues about the identity of the one who comes. He knows every detail of their mission before it plays you. Jesus describes this mission in imperatives (Ὑπάγετε, λύσατε, φέρετε , εἴπατε) and indicative verbs (εὑρήσετε, ἀποστέλλει). He speaks the language of certainty, not possibility. He sees. He knows. Unlike the fortune tellers of history with their vague descriptions of the future with uncertain meaning, Jesus tells the disciples exactly what they will experience and when. The praises of the crowd remind us why Jesus comes. “Hosanna!” “Save us, please!” The crowds are quoting Psalm 118:25-26, a familiar part of their Passover worship later this same week. The salvation he brings, the kingdom he establishes, is not the kind the enthusiastic crowd expects. His salvation is forgiveness for our times of looking for the wrong things from our Savior and for not comprehending the jaw-dropping awe the words we sing. Now, for us who understand the true identity of this King and true nature of his mission, we have reason for praise and joy! Speaker: Prof. Degner Hymns: CW 2– “Savior of the Nations, Come” v. 1-3 CW 2 – “Savior of the Nations, Come” v. 4-5 Prayer/Day: Stir up your power, O Lord, and come. Protect us by your strength and save us from the threatening dangers of our sins; for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Organist: Prof. Christie