Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – March 25, 2022

Date: 03-25-2022

Scripture Lesson:Numbers 16:23-40

Preacher: Phil Snyder

Description: Moses served the Lord and his people as prophet, spokesman for the Word. Korah and his followers, many of whom were Levites, claimed to know better. The demands were just too great, the expectations too high for Moses to truly be speaking for the Lord. As would be done for Elijah centuries later, the Almighty gave proof of Moses’ authority as a warning to Israel. Yet in the midst of rebellion and divine judgment is the mercy of God. As the holy censors are affixed to the altar the people are reminded of the perfect High Priest’s sacrifice yet to come. With the shedding of his blood, there is forgiveness.  Preacher Phil Snyder  Order The Service – Setting II.  Notes: A) Use p. 173 for the Conf/Abs; B) Hymn 482 in place of Gloria for Lent.  Hymns 404 CW21 – “Jesus Grant That Balm and Healing”  Psalm 85C - CW Psalter  Musician Chief pianist, organist, or ensemble leader here.