Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – May 12, 2022

Date: 05-12-2022

Scripture Lesson:Ezekiel 34:1–6, 11–16, 23,24

Preacher: Z. Zuberbier

Description: Reading Ezekiel 34:1–6, 11–16, 23,24  Since the time of David, Israel had called her kings “shepherds.” The men who followed in David’s line, however, did not shepherd Israel in the paths of God. So God made a promise: the Sovereign LORD would shepherd his people. Notice all the promises God makes. God says, “I will search; I will look after; I will rescue; I will tend.” Most importantly, God promised to raise up King David’s greater Son to be the prince of his people and their Good Shepherd. God fulfilled all these words.  Speaker Z. Zuberbier  Hymns 551 Jesus, Shepherd of the Sheep  554 The Lord’s My Shepherd  Musician Prof. Tackmier