Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – November 2, 2021

Date: 11-02-2021

Scripture Lesson:Mark 12:28-34

Preacher: Joel Prange

Description: Reading Mark 12:28-34  Every command flows from the command to love God perfectly and completely and to love and serve my neighbor. It is important to note along the way that any teaching of the law that does not find its roots in Jesus’ summary of the law is just moralizing; moralizing only encourages self-righteousness in some and despair in others. To grasp Jesus’ summary of the law is to be “not far from the kingdom of God” if such a grasp moves one to cry out for mercy. For no matter which commandment I have kept outwardly, I have never kept it out of perfect fear and love of God and perfect love for my neighbor. At the same time, one who has cried out for mercy will find it alone in this One who gave the law and then gave himself in obedience for us and for our salvation. Such as receive the One who gave the law and who saves from it will want know how to please him in thanksgiving; Jesus’ summary of the law tells him that, too.  Preacher Joel Prange  Hymns               697 – “May We Your Precepts, Lord Fulfill”  817 – “Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart”  Musician Ryan Henning