Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – November 8, 2021

Date: 11-08-2021

Scripture Lesson:Mark 12:38–44

Preacher: Prof. R. Wendland 

Description: Reading Mark 12:38–44   Those who loudly and proudly place their money into the plate "out of their abundance" have done very Iittle. But the widow, who gave her two copper coins, "put more into the treasury than all the others." She serves as an example for giving—not prescribing what percentage we are to give, but the attitude with which we are to give. She entrusted her life to the mercy, care, and providence of her God. Faith in the Lord does not disappoint, for the Lord is faithful.   Speaker Prof. R. Wendland   Hymns  807:1–4 “All Depends on Our Possessing”    807:5–6 “All Depends on Our Possessing”  Prayer/Day Almighty and ever-living God, you have given exceedingly great and precious promises to those who trust in you. Grant us so firmly to believe in your Son Jesus that our faith may never be found wanting; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.