Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – January 22, 2024

Date: 01-22-2024

Scripture Lesson:Mark 1:14-20

Preacher: Prof. Goetzinger

Description: Monday, January 22nd Reading Mark 1:14-20 The text starts with something that may simply seem to be a time-marker, “after John was handed over (put in prison).” But consider what is all contained there between v. 13 and 14. He calls his first disciples, travels north to Galilee, turns water into wine in Cana, returns to Jerusalem for Passover and cleanses the temple, talks with Nicodemus, works the Judean countryside (even as John is) and then heads north through Samaria. While Mark doesn’t give all the details but assumes our familiarity with the account, we know it was Herod Antipas, ruler of Galilee that arrested him. So, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God to those Galileans. His message is simple. God reigns! Repent and believe! As Jesus proclaims this, he calls others to join in this proclamation, this “fishing for men”. There was no hesitation for any of the four called. They had faith and that faith prompted them to leave all behind εὐθὺς ἀφέντες and follow him to be the “fishers of men” he called them to be. Peter and Andrew left their nets. James and John left father and workers (seemingly a successful business). The reconciliation Jesus won for us, the rule of God over all things, is worth it. Leave your nets behind and “Come, follow me!” Speaker Prof. Goetzinger Color Green Hymns CW 560 – “I Hear the Savior Calling” v. 1-3 CW 560 – “I Hear the Savior Calling” v. 4-5 Prayer/Day Almighty God, you sent your Son to proclaim your kingdom and to teach with authority. Anoint us with the power of your Spirit that we, too, may bring good news to the afflicted, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim liberty to the captive; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Order Standard Organist N. Melso