Daily Chapel

Daily Chapel – November 17 2020

Date: 11-17-2020

Scripture Lesson:Hebrews 11:24-26

Preacher: Prof. Bivens

Description: TuesdayNovember 17th    Reading ~ Hebrews 11:24-26  Is faithfulness worth the trouble it brings? For Moses, faithfulness meant giving up power, riches, and pleasure so great that the world still marvels at ancient Egypt’s glories. Even morefaithfulness meant Moses would leave nobility behind and identify himself with an enslaved people. Such trouble for being faithful! Moses, however, knew the Hope of Israel and regarded this disgrace for the sake of Christ to be worth more than all the treasures and titles of Egypt. Although we may never be able to avoid the hardships and challenges presented to us in a broken world, we remember the one in whom we find peace and rest. We serve our God who has given us true and everlasting life and who desires us to live faithfully for him  Speaker Prof. Bivens Hymns CW21 868 By Faith CW21 813 - “He Will Hold Me Fast   Musicians Liturgical Ensemble – Dey coordinates (Confirmed)