Pursuing the STM Degree

Here are some quick stats: In the past four years about 600 pastors have participated in STM courses (many of them auditing courses at satellite events in the districts), about 200 pastors have earned credits in STM courses, and about 40 pastors have indicated that they are pursing the STM degree, which requires at least 24 credits. At graduation last month, two of those 40 pastors were awarded their STM degree.

Are you interested in pursuing the STM degree? What would make you a good candidate? If you like formal continuing education, if you have already taken more than a few courses for credit, if you would like to grow in one of the nine focus areas of the STM program, if you can see how taking those courses would better equip you for serving God’s people, then you are a good candidate for pursuing the degree.

What happens if you decide to join the program? You will be assigned a faculty advisor who will keep you informed about upcoming STM courses as well as guided research and thesis options. Grow in Grace plans courses that will serve the needs of all our pastors, but special consideration is given to serving those who are officially in the program.

If you would like to know more about pursuing the STM degree, feel free to reach out to the Grow in Grace director at Bradley.Wordell@wisluthsem.org.

Congratulations, Rev. Gary Juergens and Rev. Rik Krahn!
