Preach the Word – January/February 2010

Volume 13, Number 3

The Sermon as Outreach: Preaching the Law

We preachers, who constantly study and talk about the distinction between law and gospel, are tempted to make sermons into lessons on that distinction rather than a preaching of law and gospel. We love our prospects when we let our pulpits remain pulpits rather than turning them into dogmatics classrooms. We love our prospects when we rob them of their own righteousness so that they long for the righteousness of the one who truly makes them rich.

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Preaching from the Supplemental Lectionary

We noted the predicament of a pastor deciding what to preach to the saints next Sunday by comparing the lectionaries in CW and CWS and just picking his preference. You can get into trouble, though, if you treat the Epistle lessons as a smorgasbord from which to take whatever looks tastiest, without planning in advance.

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