The Shepherd’s Study podcast is produced by Grow in Grace to help pastors grow in the art and practice of pastoral ministry. Each episode features Lutheran pastors discussing a book that is salient to their work, much in the manner of an informal conversation that pops up at a circuit meeting.
Episode Six: Jared and Phil are back this month with Pastor Ben Phelps to discuss Brand Luther by Andrew Pettegree. The general consensus among historians seems to be that the Reformation was successful largely due to the advent of the Gutenberg Press and Luther’s savvy to take advantage of it. To what extent is that true? And what are the real take-aways for us 21st-Century pastors as we examine the relationship between “branding,” “content,” and the life-saving Word of God? Listen to our discussion and let us know what you think! Pastor Phelps’ full review can be found on the Shepherd’s Study blog.
Episode Five: Pastor Jonathan Bauer takes up the guest spot this month to discuss Christopher Watkin’s “Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture.” As far as recent buzzwords and hot topics go, Critical Theory is certainly one to be aware of. How does Watkin attempt to utilize critical theory as a means of biblical interpretation? And for that matter…what really is critical theory, anyway? Jared, Phil, and Jon talk it out in this episode. Pastor Bauer’s full review can be found on the Shepherd’s Study blog.
Episode Four: Jared and Phil are joined by Pastor Caleb Bassett to discuss “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals,” by Oliver Burkeman. While not a theological work itself, Burkeman’s approach to the topic of time and mortality gives us theologians much to consider for our ministries and lives. Pastor Bassett’s full review can be found on the Shepherd’s Study blog.
Episode Three: In this episode, Jared and Phil welcome Pastor Scott Henrich to go over CFW Walther’s “Pastoral Theology.” Most of us are more familiar with Walther’s Law and Gospel evening lectures, but Walther’s text on pastoral theology is where we get to read a more polished product of the Lutheran titan. Scott’s full review can be found on the Shepherd’s Study blog.
Episode Two: In this episode, Jared and Phil welcome Pastor Noah Willitz to talk about “The Gospel Comes with a House Key,” by Rosaria Butterfield. We discuss Christian hospitality and how it might be a key pattern for outreach in a day when many have been burned by hypocrisy in the church. Be sure to read Noah’s review of the book as well.
Episode One: In this episode, Jared and Phil introduce themselves and the podcast itself. Welcome! Our first book for discussion is “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self,” by Carl Trueman. We take a look at Trueman’s assessment of society and what philosophies, movements, and ideas got us to where we are. This is valuable context to know as pastors serving people in this world! Jared’s full review can be found here.
Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speakers’ own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary or the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only.