Review: Jesus and Scripture

Jesus and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, by Steve Moyise. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2010. 147 pages. Steve Moyise is Professor of New Testament at the University of Chichester. He ...

Review: Preaching to a Post-Everything World

Preaching to a Post-Everything World: Crafting Biblical Sermons that Connect with our Culture, by Zack Eswine, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008. 288 pages. Zack Eswine serves the Riverside Community (Saint Louis, MO) as Senior Pastor. His ...

Review: Bearing the Cross

Bearing the Cross: Devotions on Albrecht Dürer’s Small Passion, by Carolyn S. Brinkley. St. Louis MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2012. 167 pages. Carolyn Brinkley is trained as a deaconess in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. This ...

Incredible Patience

Dear Brothers, Patience! Incredible patience! Incredible patience with doubting disciples. That's what strikes me each year on Easter 2 as the Gospel shows Jesus dealing with doubting Thomas. Perhaps that strikes me so strongly because ...

Review: Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Ten Commandments

Commentary on Luther’s Catechisms: Ten Commandments, by Albrecht Peters. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2009, 333 pages. Professor Dr. Albrecht Peters was a longtime member of the theological faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, Germany. ...