Mission and Ministry 2022 Begins
Mission and Ministry is being held from Feb. 8-10. At this annual three-day event, students hear from a wide-range of people in a wide-range of ministry settings. It's an opportunity for them to see how ...
Mission and Ministry is being held from Feb. 8-10. At this annual three-day event, students hear from a wide-range of people in a wide-range of ministry settings. It's an opportunity for them to see how ...
During a morning service at 7:30 am on Tuesday, February 8, as part of the 2022 Mission and Ministry seminar, Professors David Bivens and Jonathan Bare will be installed. Both men serve on the Pastoral ...
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is holding its 2022 Mission and Ministry seminar February 8-10. Hear updates and stories from WELS World Missions, Home Missions, and Congregational Services under the theme of “A World Overcome.” This theme ...
Winterim began yesterday. This two-week session between semesters gives students an opportunity to study in areas of personal interest not normally part of the seminary curriculum. Other students participate in directed research, outreach trips, or ...
October 11-14, 2019, the Pastoral Studies Institute of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary hosted a Dialogue Education Conference. Dr. Kenneth Cherney, Jr. of WLS trained eighteen participants working in five continents in "Dialogue and the Adult Learner." ...
Prof. E. Allen Sorum accompanied Rev. Bounkeo Lor to Hanoi, Vietnam to conduct a training session from June 10-22, 2019. Prof. Sorum taught the Book of Isaiah and Pastoral Counseling and Family Ministry for Missionaries. ...
Rev. Joon Ho Chung was received into WELS as a pastor through the colloquy process. The Pastoral Studies Institute of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary helped to prepare Rev. Chung for his successful colloquy into the Arizona/California ...
Final GRATSI class: Acts 1-9 Ongoing education is important for pastors in every country and church body. In WELS, the Grow in Grace team of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary serves pastors with opportunities and encouragement ...
One of the most challenging responsibilities of our WELS Missions administration is to work with a national church body, almost always one that WELS Missions started, to figure out issues like national workers’ support ...
Last month, Professor Brad Wordell had the privilege of teaching the doctrine of conversion in a country in South Asia. "Whenever I visit one of our mission fields, goal #1 is 'Do no harm ...