Fan God’s Gifts into Flame

Helping Pastors Plan for Growth in All Their God-Given Callings

Fan God’s Gifts into Flame is the third in a series of growth packages that Grow in Grace has produced for pastors. Fan God’s Gifts into Flame assists pastors in thinking through some of the “whys” and “hows” of planning for growth in all their God-given callings (pastor, husband, father, colleague in ministry, etc.). Since each pastor is a uniquely gifted child of God, and since each place where God calls him to serve is a unique gathering of God’s people, it can be wise for a pastor to take time to consider how he can make the most of his unique God-given strengths in his unique God-given place of service. The goal is to help pastors make such planning an annual part of how they grow in all their callings.

In addition to the resources you will already find below, please watch for additional pieces of this package that will be added in the months to come!

Here’s a brief video that provides a brief rationale and overview of this growth package.

Fan Gods Gifts from Grow in Grace on Vimeo.


The Essay

The Essay will give you the theological rationale and some practical directions for developing an annual spiritual and professional growth plan.

Download and Print the Essay

The Workbook

The Workbook will give you tools to consider your strengths and the specific strengths that God has given to you as a unique individual.

Download and Print the Workbook


The Toolbox

The Toolbox will give you some tools you can use as you pursue personal, spiritual, and professional growth.

The Toolbox

The Plan (Coming Soon!)

The Plan is where you can share your growth plan with your circuit pastor and others who will give you encouragement and support.