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The Bondage of the Will

Instructor: Earle Treptow

Martin Luther once suggested that, of his many writings, the ones most worthy of being preserved were the Catechisms and The Bondage of the Will. While some might consider other writings of much greater value than The Bondage of the Will, Luther considered his 1525 response to Erasmus important because it addressed a fundamental question – what power do human beings have in spiritual matters? Serving in a world that has an exaggerated opinion of the natural goodness of all, we would do well to familiarize ourselves with this work, reflect on the teaching Dr. Luther drew from the Scriptures, and proclaim that truth today.

Participants are asked to purchase the J. I. Packer translation of The Bondage of the Will (ISBN: 0801048931) as soon as possible. It will be critical for the discussion of the key points of the text to have everyone in the course on the same page. It’s available at Amazon.

Some reading will be required before the first day of the course.

This course can be applied to either the Systematic Theology or Church History focus area of the STM program.

Advanced Degree Program(s): STM
Area of Study: Systematic Theology
Tuition: $800
Course Number: ST5065
Course Credits: 2.0
Dates Term Location
06/14/2021 to 06/17/2021 North Atlantic District Satellite - Summer 2021 Online View Courses