Exegetical/Isagogical Study of Philippians
Instructor: Paul Zell
Of all the epistles of St. Paul, Philippians stands out as one of the most personal and joyful. The apostle wrote it as a “thank you” letter acknowledging the generous gift his brothers and sisters had sent via Epaphroditus. “Stand firm,” he urges his readers, “striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” Above all, however, Paul penned these words to magnify the name of Jesus for his providence, his humility, his gift of righteousness, and his protection in every situation.
One course objective is that each participant comes away with half a dozen thoroughly researched text studies. That too will allow us the opportunity to read the epistle in the original.
Language Requirement(s): Greek Required
Tuition: $400
Course Number: NT5020
Course Credits: 1.0
Dates | Term | Location | |
06/09/2025 to 06/11/2025 | Western Wisconsin District Summer Satellite Event 2025 | Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, WI | View Courses |