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The Priesthood of All Believers: Our Calling & Our Challenge

Instructor: Steven Pagels

You have seen the statistics. Our church body is shrinking, while the ranks of the “nones” are swelling. The forces that oppose us are formidable, but they are by no means insurmountable. And the challenges we are facing today also present us with an opportunity to redouble our efforts to equip and empower God’s people to be salt and light in the world. The question is: How do we do that? How can pastors help their members embrace their true identity as priests? How can we help them live lives full of thankful sacrifice, serving a Savior who lives and reigns over all? How can we raise up priests without denigrating the office of the public ministry? After reviewing the biblical basis for this beautiful teaching, this course will explore practical ways to put it into practice in our congregations.

Advanced Degree Program(s): STM
Area of Study: Systematic Theology
Tuition: $400
Course Number: ST5039
Course Credits: 1.0
Dates Term Location