Understanding Futurism and Dispensationalism
Instructor: Private: Forrest Bivens
This course is an expansion of a course offered in 2005, “Israel and the End Times.” The dramatic rise in the popularity and exposure of End Time futurism and dispensationalism coupled with elements of traditional or “classic” premillennialism make it increasingly necessary for us to try to grasp where these errorists are coming from and why they are so strident in their condemnation of amillennialism (or “realized millennialism”). A greater use of primary dispensational sources is envisioned, allowing us to better understand what they say and why they say it. We may be sure that our members will be facing dispensational dogma in the workplace, neighborhood, and on secular campuses as well as in the media. This course will allow us to reexamine the Bible references involved, review the historical roots of dispensationalism, appraise the perceived merits and demererits of their approach to Scripture, and ultimately to equip us to serve our people to enable them to stand firm in End Time truths as well as share information with dispensational neighbors in an adequate and courteous way.
In summer 2024 this course will run June 17-28 from 10:45 am - 12:30 pm. Register now through May 20 in your Student Information System account.
To access a pdf with a listing of all the summer quarter 2024 classes and their schedules, click the following link. Summer Quarter 2024 Schedule
Area of Study: Systematic Theology
Tuition: $800
Course Number: ST5046
Course Credits: 2.0
Dates | Term | Location |