Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology

Introduction to the Systematic Theology Focus Area STM Degree 

The foundation of the STM degree with a focus in Systematic Theology consists of courses that examine the teachings of sacred Scripture on the basis of the passages in which they are revealed. Attention is also given to the habitus practicus and historical development of theology. Students increase their appreciation for every teaching of God’s Word and further develop their ability to teach, defend, and distinguish doctrinal principles and practical applications. The program enriches students with the study of systematic theology and with resources for serious investigation, evaluation, confession, and articulation of Christian doctrine.   

Goals (Knowledge, Skills, Attitude) 

By the end of this program the student will have done the following:

Systematic Theology as Habitus Practicus

  • Cultivated a deeper appreciation for the divinely revealed teachings of sacred Scripture.
  • Articulated the practical value of the scriptural doctrines they have studied.
  • Demonstrated an ability and resolve to teach, defend, and model the truths of God’s Word.

Systematic Theology as Exegetically Grounded Discipline

  • Recommitted himself to a continuing study of Scripture as the inspired word of God and the only foundation for Christian teaching and living.
  • Demonstrated a growing mastery of the application of law and gospel.
  • Distinguished between timeless principles and practical applications.
  • Identified examples of the proper use and potential abuses of human reason in theological study.

Systematic Theology as Historical Development

  • Traced the development of Christian doctrine, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, in the early church.
  • Identified heresies—both ancient and modern—that have caused divisions within the body of Christ.
  • Examined how orthodox Lutheran theologians reclaimed and organized the true teachings of Scripture.
  • Compared confessional Lutheran doctrine with several contemporary Christian and non-Christian religious systems of thought.


Core courses

  • ST5004 The Proper Distinction of Law and Gospel (3 cr)
  • ST5031 The Doctrine of the Word (1 cr)

Other courses

  • ST5065 The Bondage of the Will (2 cr)
  • ST5039 The Priesthood of All Believers: Our Calling and Our Challenge (1 cr)

Ways to Earn Credits (prioritized) 

  1. On-campus Summer Quarter Courses
  2. Online Courses (Summer, Fall, Spring)
  3. Guided Research (e.g., annotated bibliography, scholarly essay, ministry project)
  4. Thesis
  5. Satellite Summer Quarter Courses