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Winterim 2023

Date(s): 01/09/2023 to 01/20/2023
Location(s): Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is, once again, hosting Winterim this year. This two-week session gives WLS students the opportunity to take additional classes in areas of personal interest that are not usually part of their curriculum. This year’s Winterim will take place January 9-20, 2023. Classes are also offered to pastors on a first come-first served basis.

Registration has closed.

Room and board is available for $250 per week and includes 14 meals.

Financial assistance is also available

Did you know? Events like Symposium and Winterim are one way to visit and enjoy Seminary campus, but did you know you are welcome stay on campus anytime? Pastors are invited to use Seminary campus as a place to work independently on personal and professional growth. During the school year, you’re invited to attend chapel, use the library, enjoy the grounds, and more! Room and board is available for $250 per week (meals included are dependent on time of year).

Dates Course Instructor Time
01/09/2023 to 01/20/2023 Biblical Aramaic Bill Tackmier
01/09/2023 to 01/20/2023 Luther and Education Joel Otto
01/09/2023 to 01/20/2023 The Preacher Studies Romans 9-16 Paul Wendland